Ending the Blame Game

Accountability is something employers take very seriously these days. Nobody wants to hire someone who likes to point fingers and blame others for mistakes or missed deadlines. Someone who is honest and holds true to their words and actions, is someone who is highly sought after in the workforce. Responsibility is something you probably learned… Continue reading Ending the Blame Game

You Represent the Film Community

The states of technology, film, and politics are constantly developing and changing. This produces new challenges for filmmakers. Before 9/11 recording equipment prohibitions were more lax, and before that there were drones no one was forced to think about remote controlled aerials being regulated. So you can imagine the confusion that now exists concerning the… Continue reading You Represent the Film Community

Is Your Subject Off Limits?

You need to understand when you’re filming in sensitive and insensitive locations. Whether you realized it or not, if you’re filming from private property across the road, and filming someone incidentally, there are certain subjects that are off-limits specifically for security reasons. These areas include government buildings, some aspects of mass transportation like train stations,… Continue reading Is Your Subject Off Limits?