Ending the Blame Game

Accountability is something employers take very seriously these days. Nobody wants to hire someone who likes to point fingers and blame others for mistakes or missed deadlines. Someone who is honest and holds true to their words and actions, is someone who is highly sought after in the workforce. Responsibility is something you probably learned about growing up, and there is a reason you learned about it. Have you ever blamed someone else for a mistake at work? Have you ever been blamed by a fellow co-worker? It is no fun, is it?

Ending the Blame

“Accountability: It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are held accountable.” – Moliere

Not only do you have to be accountability for your actions, but you also have to take responsibility for what you didn’t do as well. If you missed an important deadline, don’t blame it on someone else or make excuses. Own up to the mistake and ensure it will not happen again. Blaming others, especially at work, gives you a bad reputation.

  • When you own up to everything you show excellent work ethic and character. Once you start blaming others for your mistakes, you will develop a reputation for being dishonest. Take your job seriously and own up to the good and the bad.
  • Try to avoid the phrase “It’s not my fault” at all costs. This is the opposite of being accountable for your actions. If you made a mistake, be honest to your co-workers. You will be rewarded for your honesty down the road.
  • Things are not always going to go your way. Don’t bend the truth to try to get ahead. It will only put you at the back of the line.

If you stay honest at work, you will be respected at work. Simple as that!