Why is Being Accountable so Important?

In the world of business, ethics and accountability go hand in hand. Actually, accountability is many times included is a big part of a company’s ethics code. As an employee, accountability is simply the willingness to own up to your words and your actions. This means you must take responsibility and is very important to both your boss and your co-workers. It says a lot about your character and the kind of employee you are going to be.

The Power of Accountability

“Personal accountability requires mindfulness, acceptance, honesty, and courage.” – Shelby Martin

Being able to hold yourself accountable in the workplace takes a great deal of mindfulness and courage. Sometimes standing up for yourself can trigger negative reactions. However, you will be more respected and relied upon within your work environment if you are consistently owning up to your words and your actions. This is a quality that is highly sought after in the business world.

  • Being accountable for your actions shows responsibility. It shows the people you work with that you are a dependable person with many redeemable qualities. Nobody wants to work with a dishonest person.
  • When you do not hold yourself accountable for an action, time is wasted as others are trying to solve the problem you are hiding from. Instead of making your co-workers play detective, own up to what you said or what you did.
  • If you are able to hold yourself accountable at work, you show to everyone that you are trustworthy and filled with integrity. This will help you build strong business relationships and become a well-respected individual in the workplace. It also shows that you are a good leader and can work well individually and as a team.

If you show accountability in the workplace, you are someone who has the potential to move up in the organization. Keep up the good work!