The Meaning of Showing Care in the Workplace

The difference between giving 100 and 120 percent comes down to care in the workplace. Individuals will exert additional effort when they are recognized for their hard work. Whether they are provided with extra time off or rewarded in another way, they need to be consistently shown care and appreciation.

Showing Care in the Workplace

Do you lend a helping hand when it is needed? Do you take a minute to listen to a co-worker when they need it most? These are two clear examples of showing care in the workplace. Margaret Mead said that you should, “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”

  • Put in extra effort. Putting a little extra effort in the work that you do goes a long way and shoes that you truly care about your job as well as your tasks.
  • Take time to do it right – Taking the extra time to do things right shows that your position in the company means a great deal to you.
  • Lend a helping hand. If you notice a co-worker is struggling to get their tasks done for the day, ask them if there is any way that you can help them to move forward. When you work as a team you are showing you care for the company as a whole and not just your role in it.

Care about What You do and How You do it

You can show care in a variety of ways, one of which is simply by putting care in all that you do. Even though it can seem like a simple trait, many often forget to add a touch of care with everything they do.