Good Habits to Increase Work-Life Balance

According to a study that was performed by the American Sociological Review, over 70% of people in the U.S. have trouble creating a work-life balance that works out for them. With technology being what it is today, most people are working in some form or another around the clock. Even though this is the reality, there are ways that workers can create meaningful lives outside of the workplace and manage their time in a more effective manner. It can be tricky at times, but start getting into the habit now and it will be much easier over time.

Work-Life Balance Habits

“Balance is not something you find. It is something you create.” – Jana Kingsford

There are many times when it is perfectly okay to put down the cell phone or tablet and focus on something else. Work consumes a lot of people, but it doesn’t really have to. Most people simply do not know how to create a work-life balance that puts in equal parts work and equal parts family.

  • People who create a good work-life balance are able to make deliberate and concrete choices about where they want to go in life. They do not allow life to just happen. They choose how to spend their time and create a road map of what is truly important to them.
  • They are also very good at communicating with others about what is working and what isn’t. If they see that something isn’t working, they make changes. It seems simple enough, but some people are not able to let some things go.
  • The specifically set time out to spend with family and friends. There are some work things that can simply wait until tomorrow.

There is no time like the present. Make these important changes as soon as possible.